Goodbye girls…

We wave goodbye to our daughters again over the next few days, as we release them on the next exciting part of their life adventures.  This time they are moving to new opportunities in Melbourne.  For me, it’s a part of my parent heart to see my children take on life, along with all the thrills and challenges.  Mind you, it’s not without healthy concern and a lot of praying!  It’s that parent heart that wants the very best for the ones you love – peace, grace, safety, security and the like.


I recall Jesus talking to his disciples about the parent heart of God as he said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”  Straight after that Jesus blessed them with the very heart and Spirit of God.


In an exquisite succession of events we can be released by God, have our hearts transformed into his image, and then release and bless those we love with the same.


Peace be with you girls!


Victim or product?


The Spirit and the Flame…