Set free to fly…

I recall a story from a pastoral carer working with terminally ill children in a hospital.  The carer asked the children to take some time painting what they thought heaven would look like.  The results were at the same time quite different and significantly similar.  Some illustrated oceans and beaches with delightful sunshine.  Others chose to paint green trees and fields or forests.  There were backyards and playgrounds.  Some showed people.  Others didn’t.

Yet, there was a remarkable similarity.  Every single one showed the sky with birds in it.  The carer asked, “Where are you in the picture?”  Each child answered the same.  “There’s me.  I’m one of the birds.”

Each child saw themselves as free.  No longer bound to the earth.  No longer bound to illness and pain.  Free.  Free to fly.  This is a wondrous promise each of us may hold close to our hearts.  For us, and for those we love.  Particularly those writing the last chapter of their story.

What about the here and now for us?  Many years ago a remarkable, wise spiritualist wrote this about our present journey with Jesus: “It is for freedom you have been set free.”  Sure.  We eagerly look forward to the everlasting.  But let’s not forget to soar today.


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