Traffic lights…
According to the song from the Monty Python crew, “I like traffic lights… but only when they’re green.” Yep. No argument here. Unfortunately, it’s not the nature or purpose of traffic lights to be green all the time. Yet, in the drivenness of our culture (pun completely intended) we love to keep moving and are easily frustrated by ‘red lights’.
But is that the nature or purpose of our existence? Let’s face it, many of us love the idea of the Energiser Bunny that is go, go, go all the time. Let’s also face the reality that the battery does eventually run out. Perhaps we are designed and created for times of stopping? Times when we breathe and recuperate. Times to consider, or reconsider. Times to look at our GPS (God’s Positioning System) to ensure we’re on track.
Without doubt there are many times when the light is green, and with a smile on our face we keep powering forward. But let’s keep an eye on the signals. Is the light amber? Are there hints it might be a time to prepare to stop? Is the light red? A suggestion: consider stopping and allow the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, to guard our heart and our mind. The light doesn’t stay red forever. And that peace is delightful. Also, it’s a brilliant way to check our destination and how to get there.