In the footsteps of Jesus…
Some years ago, my life journey took some twists and turns, as is the nature of life. I found myself starting work very early in the morning cleaning for a certain globally renowned fast-food organisation. It wasn’t the most stimulating of career opportunities. I did however decide during that time that the title of my first book might be “Lessons I Learned with My Head in a Toilet Bowl”. Lessons in humility mainly.
During this time I was blessed to form beautiful and enduring friendships, for which I am exceedingly grateful. What is more important? Status or relationship?
As I consider Jesus’ journey toward the cross at Easter I see a far more profound humility. Jesus welcomes his guests to the Passover meal with his clothes removed and nothing but a towel around his waist. He kneels before each of his disciples as he washes their feet. We need to remember the task of foot washing was relegated to lowest of slaves. Even the Israelite slaves were above this task. This was indeed the lowest of lows. The King of Kings chooses to serve without status or elevation. Profound humility.
Often, particularly moving toward Easter, many Christians choose to try to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.
Enough said?