Spiritual offspring…
I recall in my younger days trying to make sense of spirituality. There was a gnawing knowledge there was something beyond what I could touch, feel or taste. Yet, the religion I knew of didn’t make sense. God knows I tried.
After many years a ‘spiritual drama’ unfolded in my presence. This made less sense, but suddenly ‘spirituality’ become very real. My journey of learning began. What have I learned? There is so much more to learn! However, allow me to offer a perception from the journey thus far: All creation is embraced in spirituality with a corresponding longing to embrace it back. We seek history, language, even science to make sense of it. Ironically, we risk having a wide variety of ‘theologies’ trying to explain exactly the same thing.
What might the God of Christianity say? God is love. God is also Spirit. All creation is born of Spirit - we are parented by the spiritual. We long to reconnect with our origins. Even if our origin is unimaginable and immeasurable it is actually possible to grasp how wide and long and high and deep this love is. How so? It may require releasing ourselves from bondages of age old constructs of spirituality and allow ourselves to have a spiritual encounter with the Spirit that agrees with our spirit that we are God’s offspring (Romans 8:16).