The song of the Spirit…

The story is told of a revered Chinese teacher known as the Blind Master.  On a spring day, the Blind Master was walking in the garden with one of his students.  As they passed near a large peach tree, the teacher moved his head to miss an overhanging limb.  The pupil looked startled and asked, “Teacher, how is it you saw that branch in front of you?”  The Blind Master answered, “To see with the eye is only one sensation.  I heard the wind sing softly in the tree’s branches.”

“With the eyes we construct our own reality; with the ears we have to deal with the situations as they really are.  Of the five sense organs, only one is directly connected to the brain – the ear.  We remember more musical melodies than we do prose passages because the brain is wired for sound more than sight.” (Leonard Sweet)

Composer Leonard Bernstein came up with one of the best definitions of music ever uttered: “cosmos in the midst of chaos.”  He correctly points out that the best translation of the Hebrew in Genesis 1 was not “and God said” but “and God sang”.  The original Hebrew text was a hymn and is still often chanted in synagogues.

What a beautiful picture.  God sang creation into being.  God sang each of us into being.  In each of us He has placed His song… and He continues to sing into our spirits.

How often do we stop to hear the song His Spirit is singing?


A culture of care…


Spiritual offspring…