A pathway of kindness…

Might you have time to ask yourself a question or two?

When was the last the last time your received kindness?  Take your time.  Think about it.

Another question.  How did it make you feel?

A dictionary definition of someone being kind might suggest they are gentle, caring, helpful and generous.  Yet, what might be most important?  A definition of kindness or how it changes us?

We have all kinds of experiences that change us, but perhaps the most significant are those that change us wonderfully.  A genuine encounter with love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness and the like, can be profound.  Life changing.  And such an exquisite pathway for change.

So, you awaken in the morning.  You gently rub the sleep from your eyes and enjoy a long wriggle and stretch.  Yep.  And a cup of coffee.  What do you expect today?  Kindness?

Most have experienced forceful characters trying to manipulate our thinking, behaviours, and attitudes.  With threats of consequences or punishment we are at times subtly, but often overtly, pressured to become who are not.  Sadly, some define God this way.  Not true.  For the riches of his kindness and patience are intended to lead us along those pathways of change that fill our lives with love, joy and peace (Romans 2).  Yet, we are often attuned to coercement rather than kindness.

When was the last the last time your received kindness?  Take your time.  Think about it.  How did it make you feel?  Whoever has blessed you with such kindness has offered you a wondrous treasure.  Allow it to change you.


A leaf fell to the ground…


The Spirit of creation…